How to make a single player mineral hack in Starcraft

By LordLardo

The single player mineral hack is the first step in hacking Starcraft, you will need the following programs.

To make this simple hack please follow these instructions

  1. You will first need to get acquainted with Artmoney, the search button searches for values in the memory, The Sieve buttons filters out addresses after they have changed, (you’ll see)
  1. In TMK you will have to add buttons to your hack to make it do something, there is a wizard for this should it be of need
  1. ABC123 will represent a address
  1. Lets start, start up Starcraft and go into a single player game, not a campaign
  1. Leave the minerals at 50 for now,
  1. Go into Artmoney and hit search, search for a integer, 50
  1. You will see tons of addresses, only a few are the real ones
  1. Go into sc and mine till you get to 58 minerals
  1. Hit sieve, look for 58
  1. The number of addresses should have decreased now
  1. Do this again and again until you are truly sure that you have the right addresses (they always seem to change together)
  1. Now go to TMK and create a new trainer
  1. Click on the tab build settings, it should be in the bottom left corner
  1. Set the process name to starcraft.exe and the exe name anything you want it to be
  1. Create a button, it’s the icon near the colors and text bar
  1. Right click on the button and type Poke ABC123 FF, Poke Blahbalhblah FF, FF stands for the highest number a integer can be,(you may have more or less then 2 addresses)
  1. Biuld your Trainer,
  1. Click on button 1 or whatever you changed the name to,
  1. Go into SC and marvel at your minerals

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