last 50   0-9   A-A   B-B   C-C   D-D   E-E   F-F   G-G   H-H   I-I   J-J   K-K   L-L   M-M   N-N   O-O   P-P   Q-Q   R-R   S-S   T-T   U-U   V-V   W-W   X-X   Y-Y   Z-Z 
 N DateGameAuthor
84712/19/2016G-Force v1.0.0.1 (no dma)Podoprigora
85112/30/2003Galactic Civilizations v1.00GoD
85207/01/2021Galactic Mining CorpMister User
85307/13/2013Galaxy On Fire 2 FullHDLexinton
85412/07/2013Game of ThronesVaritus
85601/21/2007GameX (no dma)GURU
85703/08/2005Gangland: Trouble In Paradise (no dma)Xodzor
85806/11/2004Gangland: Trouble In Paradise v1.1Samuray
85910/23/2012Gangland: Trouble In Paradise v1.4Stephan Malek
86011/27/2019Gangsters 2 v1.07ArtMoney Team
86108/21/2012Garden Defense v1.0ArtMoney Team
86208/21/2012Garden Defense v1.1ArtMoney Team
86304/04/2004GastNikolay Shangin
86402/02/2005Gast v1.0.0.4134Volkov Maksim
86509/02/2011Gatling GearsXamras
86607/29/2005GAG 2Evgeniy Kozan
86701/28/2018Gear That WorksNurglath
86808/18/2011Gemini LostXamras
86906/24/2005Geneforge 2 v1.01James Craycroft 'Chaos'
87010/09/2005Geneforge 3 v1.0James Craycroft 'Chaos'
87106/24/2005Geneforge v1.01James Craycroft 'Chaos'
87203/12/2023Generation Zero (Steam)Richard
87302/28/2004GeneRallyDmitriev Denis
87405/26/2019Genesis Alpha OneVenDem
87512/23/2001GexMaksim Antonenko
87612/02/2005Gex 3D: Enter the GeckoOLLI
87806/23/2004Ghost MasterKonstantin Dokuchaev
87910/12/2003Ghost Master (savegame)Term
88009/24/2024Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT v1053.7.0809.1937 (Steam)Richard
88112/30/2003Ghost ReconGoD
88201/16/2003Ghost Recon (weapons)Valera T.
88309/05/2022Ghostwire: TokyoRichard
88404/29/2006Giant EagleCracker
88604/21/2006Gish v1.3oligarh1990
88706/09/2014Gish v1.52 (Steam)Vladislav Kulagin
88811/20/2011Gish v1.6Vladislav Kulagin
88911/06/2007Giza v1.0.3.18Konstantin Trunov
89001/13/2004GladiatorsAlexey Sivkov
89101/13/2004Gladiators of RomeAlexey Sivkov
89301/26/2004Global OperationsShirosako
89407/02/2006Glory of the Roman Empire v1.00.341Leonard
89507/13/2008Go, Piggo, go!DmitryLab
89602/03/2022God of War (Steam)Richard
89709/07/2006Godfather: The GameLaziz93
89802/01/2009Gods: Lands of InfinitySmityXP
89907/13/2008Gold Miner Joe v1.01DmitryLab
90010/25/2020Golden AxeDAndrei U.
90101/15/2004Golden LandDenis Volkov
90207/12/2005Golden Land v1.0Vovan Bag
90308/21/2005Golden Land v1.3Vlad-Star
90407/24/2013Golden Land: Cold Heaven v1.0Alexander Starichenkov
90507/10/2001Golden NuggetThomas Ally
90605/31/2005Gooka: The Mystery of Janatris v1.0Jurt Home Inc.
90710/18/2000Gorky17Vladimir Afanasiev
90911/06/2007Gothic 2 v1.28 (no dma)Konstantin Trunov
91003/08/2005Gothic 2 v1.31 (no dma)Xodzor
91104/22/2005Gothic 2: Night of the Raven v2.6Xodzor
91205/08/2009Gothic 3 v1.7.25755SmityXP
91301/13/2013Gothic 3 v1.74.25931Temas
91404/27/2007Gothic 3 v1.9.25825Serge Nikson
91505/30/2013Gothic 4: Arcania v1.1.0.1387Lexinton
91604/29/2006Gothic v1.08 k_modCracker
91711/06/2007Gothic v1.08 k_mod (no dma)Konstantin Trunov
91804/13/2001Grand Prix Worldselekt
91902/16/2004Grand Theft AutoIntuition
92012/02/2005Grand Theft Auto (full)OLLI
92110/27/2000Grand Theft Auto 2Diligance
92210/10/2001Grand Theft Auto 2 (all)Swinger
92312/02/2005Grand Theft Auto 2 v9.6 USAOLLI
92410/05/2003Grand Theft Auto 3DriveR_F
92506/30/2005Grand Theft Auto 3 - Real ModDenDi
92612/06/2002Grand Theft Auto 3 (weapon)Maksim Antonenko
92704/12/2020Grand Theft Auto 4Ezequiel Lisca
92808/05/2017Grand Theft Auto 5 (build 1103)monset12
92908/09/2005Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas86KV
93008/11/2005Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (full)York
93109/20/2006Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (no dma)CrazyVirus
93207/30/2012Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (spanish ver)Ezequiel Lisca
93307/02/2005Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 3in1Jerzego Fijalkowskiego
93405/14/2006Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.01 (no dma)ErroR
93502/09/2023Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.01 megamod (no dma)Timur Abdukov
93605/27/2003Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityJohn Sazonov
93707/05/2003Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Missions)Konstantin Dokuchaev
93806/17/2005Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (no dma)Andrey Polezhaev
93901/29/2005Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (some missions)iddqd
94007/24/2012Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (spanish ver)Ezequiel Lisca
94112/09/2007Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: Long Nightschumacher5121
94201/15/2005Grandia 2Tuan Ong Minh
94308/05/2004Great EscapeSerge Nikson
94407/19/2015Grim Dawn (update B26)Alexander Starichenkov
94507/10/2004GromDe Mon
94601/16/2020Grouch (Rocko's Quest)MAN-biker)
94701/27/2020Grouch (Rocko's Quest) NoCD by LASTOFUSMAN-biker)
94802/20/2006Ground Control 2Yurikom
94909/19/2005Ground Control 2 (exp)bbooxx
95009/04/2006GTI RacingMichael
95111/18/2007Guild 2Maksim Savoskin
95205/31/2013Gulman 2.5D modernTimur Abdukov
95404/20/2006GunmetalVladimiR PS
95507/15/2018Guns, Gore and CannoliAndrei U.
95607/17/2018Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2Andrei U.
95708/14/2005Gutertrennung v1.05 DEMOMax Fill

ArtMoney Tables (AMT cheat codes)
Copyright (C) 1996-2023, System SoftLab
Last update of this page: January 5, 2025.